Monday, April 28, 2008

Mazda5 station wagon

I have always loved station wagons. I guess its going back to the 80s when I was a kid, and a friend of mine had a classic station wagon. Back then, seatbelts weren't as important, so kids would pile in the back and play board games and cards and just have a regular old slumber party. And I probably thought to myself, hey, I'd like to have a car like this one day. As an adult, to me, station wagons definitely symbolizes kids, picnics, and the fourth of July. Basically, I want one. I would like one day to get a classic "woody" station wagon, but that will have to wait until I clean out my garage to be able to put it in.
However, I decided to look around some and see if they still make station wagons, and make them with good gas mileage. After looking at a lot of different styles, I was really impressed with the Mazda5. I haven't test drove it or anything - this is just browsing around on the internet - but the info I found seems really interesting. Here are a bunch of websites on the Mazda5. Check it out for yourself!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Kroger Design Bag

I think this is fun. I have a friend who designed a bag, plus some of the other bags are really good as well. I've designed several bags myself - its addictive! Go to the site and vote or create your own design. You can vote for as many bags as you want - and then come back the next day, and vote for all your favorites again. Leave me a comment with your link to your bag, and I'll put it on this website.

Here are My Bags!!!! -

Light -

Dream green photo -

Dream placards -

Good Friends' Designs:

Marisa's Bag

Other Bags that I like:


its easy being green


bag not breaking

rock on bag

kennedy speech -

Of course, out of all the bags out there, I like Whole Foods bag the best, because its huge, and can carry more than 20 library books without breaking. :) It also has a rectangular bottom which allows you to organize things more easily in the bag, and place things in without spilling. Its also made with water resistant material. And all for only $1. I use these bags for everything - laundry, mail storage, dvd storage, library book returns.......

Also the following sites has a Krogers bag contest as well.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Urinary Tract Infections

This is what I do for a urinary tract infection:
Take Azo Cranberry
Drink lots of water
Put a teaspoon of baking soda in 8 oz water and drink it all down.
If you don't feel better within 6 hours, take another teaspoon or 1/2 teaspoon.

Update 2009 -
The above is good, but what will really help a urinary infection is the following:
D' Mannose - get it at Vitamin Shoppe or your local health food store - at least 6 pills a day
Probiotic - at least 3 pills a day
3 days of taking the above and the infection will be gone!
I've read that the Dmannose and a probiotic is especially great for pregnancy-related uti!

Here are some interesting sites on UTI:

Friday, April 11, 2008

American Idol Shout to the Lord

I almost fell off the couch when I saw this on live tv in front of 30 million people.
This truly baffles me, and I would love to know the workings of the minds of the producers that led to this decision.

Wednesday night American Idol Shout to the Lord:
"Without the name of Jesus - the word Shepherd was substituted."

Thursday night American Idol Shout to the Lord:
"With the name of Jesus"

I also find it intriguing that only 3 sang the word Jesus - Brooke, David A, and Kristy - only they sang the first part of the song.

Some interesting blogs on the subject:

If you know of a good blog/news report on this subject, please email me or leave a comment.

Out of all the comments I read, I like these two the most:

I'm still surprised the mainstream entertainment media haven't yet reported on this story. What went on behind the scenes? Why do the song in the first place? Who decided to censor it? Who then decided to repeat it without censoring it? Were there many complaints from viewers? Were there legal issues? What was the reaction of the show's participants? Maybe we'll never know, but I find this a very interesting little cultural event. Here is my blog entry on my Centre Daily Times newspaper blog.

Apr 10, 2008 at 8:46 amApr 10, 2008 at 8:46 am
You’ve got to remember one thing, God doesn’t get offended like we do. He will always BE God whether we praise Him or not, He will always have dominion, whether we submit or not. Adopting an attitude that bashes individuals you do not know shows how much mercy, grace and love we, as Christian lack. Remember, if we don’t praise Him, the rocks will!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Allergy Article

Allergy Alert: Breathe Easy, Naturally Posted Mon, Mar 10, 2008,

Itchy, watery eyes, running nose, an aching head, and sinus congestion. Sound familiar? You may be among the 37 million people in the United States who suffer from allergic rhinitis or sinusitis. Consider combating your springtime woes naturally with these time-tested self-healing techniques.

Allergens in the Air
When your sinuses, the air-filled hollow cavities around your nose and nasal passages, become inflamed, fluid can accumulate and interfere with normal drainage of mucus in the sinuses. This condition is known as acute sinusitis. The result? You may have trouble breathing through your nose and feel your eyes and facial tissue swell up.

Your symptoms may include a headache, fever, a nagging cough, post-nasal drip, thick green or yellow discharge, and a feeling of facial "fullness" that gets worse when you lean forward; during a severe sinus infection, some people even experience a toothache.

This uncomfortable condition has many possible causes, including bacterial, viral, and fungal infections, allergies, or a deviated septum. Synonymous with spring, allergic rhinitis, commonly called hay fever, is the inflammatory result of your immune system's overreaction to allergens in the air.

Pollen is one famous offender. Other allergens include dirt, pollution, animal hair, food particles cloth fibers, and mold.

Surprising Secrets for Sinus Health
Here are some all-natural ways to gain freedom from sinus suffering.

• Clear your sinuses and your mind with a steamy stovetop spa. Add a few drops of wintergreen oil to a pot of boiling water and inhale the steam. Take care not to be burned by the vapor.

• Herbs and spices like ginger, scallion, basil, garlic, oregano, cayenne peppers, white pepper, horseradish and turmeric will have your sinus passageways unblocked in no time!

• The supplement bromelain - a papaya and pineapple-based enzyme - helps reduce histamine release, the body's natural allergic response.

• Clear your nasal passageway daily for healthy, happy sinuses. Add 1 tsp of sea salt, 1 drop of oregano oil, and 1 drop of wintergreen to a cup of warm water. Fill a small-spouted squeeze bottle with this warm solution. Squirt into one nostril at a time and blow out through the nose. Alternate nostrils.

• Press one clove of garlic, mix with 1 tsp of olive oil and soak a clean cotton ball with the oil mixture and place in nostrils after having washed the nostril with warm salt water. Leave in for 20 minutes and repeat three times a day until the symptoms clear up.

• These two simple self-massage practices that follow are incredibly effective for relieving sinus congestion. For both, sit at the tip of a sturdy chair with your back erect, spine stretched, and your head tilted slightly forward.

1. Inhale and gently press your forehead just inside the temples with your palms. Exhale and release. Repeat three times.

2. Cross your middle and index fingers by placing the tips of your middle fingers on top of the fingernails on your index fingers. Rub the sides of your nose 36 times in a circular motion, warming your fingers first if they're cold.

What you eat affects your sinus health
Avoid the foods that produce mucous and dampness: dairy products, cold and raw foods, corn (including corn syrup), and simple sugars. Choose whole grains like quinoa, amaranth and brown rice instead of wheat, rye and barley, which are typically high allergy grains. Opt for papaya, cranberries, pear, pineapple, cherries, mango, and citrus fruits. Eat more green vegetables such as artichoke, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, kale, cauliflower, and spinach.

Both alcohol and smoking should be avoided during a sinus flare-up as they irritate the respiratory tract and worsen nasal inflammation. Also, sinus congestion is often worse with lack of quality rest so be sure to get plenty of sleep and keep your stress level low.

I hope that you find the ways to keep your sinuses clear and freely flowing. I invite you to visit often and share your own personal health and longevity tips with me.

May you live long, live strong, and live happy!

-Dr. Mao

Christian Mystery Authors

I've been reading some christian mystery authors lately. There are several who are very good - well-written and suspenseful. The atmosphere and hope that is prevalent in these types of books is always so startling and different than your average secular mystery. Read one and see for yourself what I mean.....

Colleen Coble -
Francine Rivers -
Dee Henderson -
Terri Blackstock -

Other type of Christian fiction:
Tamera Alexander -
Karen Kingsbury -
Robin Hardy -

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Preserving books article

April 2, 2008, 12:03PM
Saving the jewels
At libraries and museums across the country, neglect and a lack of money threaten relics of American history

Bernard Forrester, with his honeyed radio announcer's voice, exudes about 10 times the charisma you'd expect from an archivist. And last week, displaying the jewels of Texas Southern University's historic collections, he poured on the drama.

Behold: The archives of Congresswoman Barbara Jordan, who embodied moral authority during Watergate!

Benin bronzes and Dogon wood carvings from a museum-quality collection of African art!

"Chattel" papers from the 1800s showing slave ownership by Texas' founders!

A 400-year-old book about Africa! A first edition by W.E.B du Bois! A first edition of poetry by Phillis Wheatley, worth more than $30,000! Newspapers from the 1750s!

Those treasures aren't as safe as they should be.

History in danger

Forrester was pulling out the stops for a visit by Anne-Imelda Radice, the director of the Institute of Museum and Library Services, which is to say, the head of a federal agency that gives money to institutions like TSU and tries to rally others to support them.

A couple of months before, Forrester had met Radice at an Atlanta conference about "Connecting to Collections," her agency's effort to support endangered collections. Radice gave the conference's opening remarks, and afterward, Forrester introduced himself. She was dead-on, he thought, in saying that the nation's heritage is endangered.

Even large institutions, like the Smithsonian, struggle with preserving artifacts and documents, and for smaller institutions, the problems loom even larger. Radice often cites statistics from a report by Heritage Preservation, a Washington, D.C., foundation. In 2005, Heritage Preservation surveyed roughly 3,000 institutions, and their confidential answers revealed that few were entirely prepared to care for their historic items.

Among the grim statistics:

• 26 percent of the institutions had no environmental controls to protect their collections from heat, humidity and light;
• 65 percent have artifacts damaged by improper storage while in their care;
• 26 percent have little or no security to protect their items from theft;
• 77 percent have no budget allotted specifically for preservation.
The IMLS urges individuals and granting agencies to give money to conservation — a cause far less sexy than acquiring new materials, but often far more important.

That call to action moved Forrester. In a letter, he wrote Radice that TSU's archives, housed in the university's 1956 library, had no separate climate control, no budget for conservation and no fire-suppression system at all.

If a fire broke out, he wrote, "just bring on the barbecue."

No place to repair

Walking through the archives with Radice, Forrester tried to accentuate the positive at his institution — maybe because his boss and a newspaper reporter were on hand, too. The future, he said, looked brighter now than it did when he wrote his letter. Since then, the library has begun installing a fire-suppression system.

He gestured to a pair of double doors and said that someday, when there's money, that closet will become his "conservatory," a place he can repair fragile books. "I'm a ghetto librarian," he joked. "I know how to put books back together."

He didn't mention the archives' climate control, but he did mention a recent initiative: TSU has asked its congresswoman, Sheila Jackson Lee, to help it get money for a first-class digitization machine. The machine's delicate metal arms can turn the brittle pages as it records a book's contents, making it easy to post on the Internet or send via e-mail. Digitization won't save the book itself, but at least there would be a good record of its contents.

Forrester took Radice to a table where, in her honor, he'd arrayed the university's most valuable books, its best candidates for digitization. Following his lead, she slipped on white cotton gloves and gingerly handled the Phillis Wheatley volume, then Sir Henry Morton Stanley's 1870s writings about Africa and his search for David Livingstone.

They moved on to other books — some with water-splotched covers, many with busted spines. Much of the damage had occurred decades before Forrester took his job — maybe when the books were circulated in TSU's library, squashed in copiers, or stored in temporary buildings. Though better cared for now, most of the books haven't been repaired and all still suffer the slow ravages of fluctuating temperatures.

Examining A Negro's Complaint, a book published in 1731, Radice admired its hand-tinted illustrations. "If you had rice paper," she suggested delicately, "you could put that between the leaves to protect the pages."

"I'm ordering it," said Forrester. "But it's not here yet."