Your baby will not be spoiled if you hold him and nurse him often - quite the opposite, in fact. Studies have shown that when babies are held often and responded to quickly, the babies cry less, and the parents learn to read baby's cues more quickly. A young child's need for his mother is very intense - as intense as his need for food. Know that your child really needs you. It is not about manipulation or something you can "fix" with the right discipline. Often a baby who is perceived as fussy is simply a baby who needs more contact with mom (and is smart enough to express this need) and is content once his needs are met. See the links below to read more about spoiling.
Are you worried about spoiling your baby? Read on...
- Spoiling from
- Can I spoil my baby? by Pinky McKay
- Could your baby be spoiled? by Gayle Peterson, MSSW, PhD
- Will I Spoil My Baby by Holding/nursing Him So Often? LLL FAQ
- Will I Spoil My Baby If I Carry Her in a Sling? by Dr. William Sears
- Where does fear of spoiling come from? by Teresa Pitman
- Shutdown Syndrome from
- Reflections... by Paula Yount @
Breast babies and schedules by Becky Flora, IBCLC
Should you schedule baby's feeds? by Debbi Donovan, IBCLC
Breastfeeding and schedules by Paula Yount
Scheduling Feeds by Diane Wiessinger, MS, IBCLC
Right On Cue: Can You Breastfeed on a Schedule? by Gwen Morrison
Examining the Evidence for Cue feeding of Breastfed Infants by Lisa Marasco, BA, IBCLC and Jan Barger, MA, RN, IBCLC
Chang SR, Chen KH. Demand feeding for healthy premature newborns: a randomized crossover study. J Formos Med Assoc. 2004 Feb;103(2):112-7.
This helps as well:
- Infant Massage by Angela Sinclair
- Colic Relief Routine by Vimala McClure
Guidelines for Infant Massage from the Department of Women & Infant Nursing, The Ohio State University Medical Center
- Baby Massage from the book "Hola Familia" (Hello Family)
- Benefits of Baby Massage by Michelle Ebbin