Thursday, July 28, 2011

Rethinking Everything Conference 2011

*update* This year the conference is from:
Thursday, September 1st through Monday, September 5, 2011.
Kevin is teaching several sessions.  If you want to know more about living holistically and/or being an unschooler, you should come to the conference.  I love this conference and think its *awesome*.

Here are descriptions of Kevin's classes.  Kevin speaks on many subjects, including Star Trek ( as well as the health benefits of barefoot living.  If you want him to teach a session at your event or church, please contact me. :)

So, What Do
Unschooling Parents Do?

Getting out of your child's way, letting them find their own path, avoiding coercion - ultimately, isn't this a passive role? Beyond paying the bills, are there any responsibilities that unschooling parents have? How do we raise children with absolutely no interference, no philosophy and no rules?

Unschooling and the Christian Life

When we seek to encourage liberty for our children, how do we reconcile that with a Christian faith that often seems to take on forms of rigidity and inflexibility? Do guidelines, ethics and values have a place in an unschooling family? What are our responsibilities as parents and followers of Christ as we seek freedom in our families' lives? In this engaging session, we'll explore a view of freedom and responsibility that takes its cues from Scripture, allowing Jesus, the Lord of Liberation, to help us become "free indeed."

Barefoot Living

Connected. Grounded. Confident. Free. These are just a few of the words people use to describe how they feel being barefoot. Who doesn't love kicking off their shoes? But did you know its also a great way to live a naturally healthier life? Running barefoot is popular, but living barefoot is best! Experienced barefooter Kevin C. Neece shares his insights in enlightening sessions on how you  and especially your children  can live a freer, more natural, healthier life by living barefoot. He'll act as your personal guide to escaping the confines of shoes and finding the whole body benefits of healthy, uninhibited feet!

Barefoot Walk

When we're walking barefoot, we're learning a whole new way to walk. We'll take a barefoot walk outside to experience the Earth (and the city) in all its textures and learn to adapt to a new way of walking, step by step, so everyone can try it out at their own pace. Kevin will answer your questions about various challenges and we'll take turns experiencing different surfaces. Its the way we were designed to walk - barefoot and free!

Prayerfoot Barefoot Prayer Walk

This expression and exploration of contemplative prayer and spirituality through barefoot devotion comes from a Christian worldview perspective, but is open to all who wish to participate. We'll meet together and talk about some of the spiritual aspects of barefoot walking, as well as a brief introduction to the Christian tradition of contemplative prayer. Then we'll spend some time sitting, standing, walking and praying in a unique liturgical setting.

2010 post

I just love the title of this conference.

Because since I turned 30, that's what I do.  I rethink everything.

Of course, when I was 20, I changed my major 5 times, but that is not quite the same.

I've changed careers 4 times now - from bridal consultant, to teacher, to librarian, and now to mommy.

But that is not it either.  Rethinking everything usually means to reconsider your worldview.  To think about something, then take your hand into your mind, and twist it and consider if from another angle.  To look at something differently.  To walk in others' shoes.  To be open to changes.  To be just open in general.

God is so awesome that He made our minds to be capable of change.  To be capable of Rethinking Everything.  To not always be brainwashed into one set parameter, but to consider our options, our choices, and our decisions.  And if new info comes our way, we can reconsider it all again.  I love that.

Here is a great conference that is actually in the metroplex full of people who like to rethink everything, who are definitely not mainstream thinkers.

Check it out:

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