Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Black Friday 2007
Black Friday Websites:
w/adscans: http://bfads.net/adscans
Best Buy Weblink
Best Buy is one of those where you have to be there before 7 or you will be in a really long line. I've only gone to Best Buy once (there were four items that I wanted, so it was worth it) and stood in line for an hour and a half. Which was actually sorta fun - I talked to all the other people in line! After noon, however, then there are no lines, and they often still have the non-doorbusters in stock. I think they also restock before evening - I have picked up an item there at 9 pm on Black Friday before.
Office Depot Weblink
I'm sorry, but Office Depot has been plagued the last few years with a really bad Thanksgiving ad, plus the rebate disease. This is most likely the reason why they are never busy on Thanksgiving - you can pop in and out quickly at this store. At least, I have for the last four years. There are a few deals on the back of the ad you might want to check out.
Office Max
Page 1, Page 2, Page 3, Page 4
This was a bit disappointing for me - last year they had a ton of stuff! And last year, they were cured of the rebate disease - but this year, it looks like they caught it again! A nice idea - DVD storage tower - $25. They also have the Galaxy audio storage tower for $40 - we got this two years ago to hold our cable box, Tivo, DVD player and VCR. Its wonderful!
I do like Target. :) I usually buy a blanket every Black Friday from Target for around $20 - you can never have too many blankets.
Hmmmm, this year they have a 4 Gb Flash Drive for $18 - the same one is at Best Buy (but their Black Friday special for it is $28) so that is a super deal. And a Notebook cooling fan for $10. Looks like it might be worth going to Staples this year......
So check out the Black Friday ads (some stuff you can even buy online). And tell me some of your great finds/buys!
Friday, November 16, 2007
Above Rubies Retreat

Last weekend I went to an Above Rubies retreat in Arkansas. It was a beautiful time of the year, and I was able to take tons of pictures of autumn. As well as people pictures, of course!
A bit about the conference:
There were 79 ladies there, 59 of which had never been to an Above Rubies retreat.
One lady came all the way from Nigeria!
Others came from Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, and even Illinois! And of course, Arkansas!
We stayed at the 4H Conference Center in hotel-style rooms next to this gorgeous pond, surrounded by woods.
The meetings and fellowship times were wonderful and rewarding. Its always great to hear Nancy Campbell - she's a very dynamic speaker.
Her daughters, Pearl and Serene (of the christian band Considering Lily) sang along with Pearl's daughter Meadow (11) who has a pure, sweet voice.
They just came out with a lullaby album that is too precious for words.
Everything was beautiful, and incredibly relaxing to all the mothers.
I went for a long walk on Saturday afternoon, praying to the Lord, and taking lots of pictures.
I highly encourage you to participate next year, or find an Above Rubies retreat near you!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Steel Cut Oatmeal
All I can say is if I can do it, so can you. Oh, and I bought the O Organic brand (bought at Tom Thumb) of Steel Cut Oats.
Breakfast for the Brain
By Evangeline Johnson
Primm Springs, TN
I've been thinking, its not the hand that rocks the cradle that rules that world, but it's the hand that rocks the mind that rules the world. So.....what did you feed your children's minds this morning?
What are you actually feeding their brains? No. I'm not talking about your little devotion. I am talking about your chocolate-covered, multi-dyed sugar-fortified, mineral-refined breakfast cereals. A poor breakfast!
Think of brains. Brains are more important than brawn. But even brawn doesn't do well on those cereals. And while I have the floor, don't skip breakfast. They say no breakfast is worse than a poor breakfast.
In order for the brain to function at its ultimate peak, it has to be nourished, comforted and energized. In this state, there is no telling what a brain can learn or accomplish. Brainpower can be increased! Intelligence released!
After years of breakfasts of yogurt and fruit, millet, rolled oats, smoothies or eggs, all of which are wonderful foods, we are presently settling our stomachs on a long forgotten meal - steel cut oats. No, not rolled oats, not oat groats, but steel-cut oats.
How do you prepare it?
Add three cups water to one cup steel oats and simmer for 30-45 minutes, adding more water as required to get the right consistency. Double the quantity if you have a large family. If you desire, add cultured butter for mineral assimilation and a tad of honey for taste. Serve with milk or cream (raw if possible). Oh yum. It is nutty. Flavorful. Chewy, yet soft. Not slimy like rolled oats. If you like, add two raw egg yolks (free-range, don't eat chemical eggs, thank you) at the end. This adds to mental development. Eggs are traditionally accepted as the ultimate brain power. It makes me want to have a chicken coop right now!
For the ultimate absorption of enzymes and minerals, soak the oats overnight with four tablespoons of whey, lemon juice or cider vinegar. This neutralizes phytic acid. Phytic acids coat grains and inhibit the absorption of minerals.
Steel-cut Oats is one of the highest protein grains. It turns on metabolism, and stabilizes blood sugar levels. Oats contribute to strength, endurance, energy, beauty and mental alertness. It is rich in B Vitamins, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and is one of the lowest grains in gluten.
You can purchase steel cut oats from the supermarket or purchase by bulk (far cheaper) from a food co-op. Check the internet.
Once a week I drive to the Amish and I buy my raw milk and cream for the week. Raw is the best as it contains the enzymes to break down milk protein.
Supplement your breakfast with a good quality fish oil every couple of days and watch the difference.
Pass me another bowl please!
your friend, Vangi
Mercury in Fish
Fish Food: The Lowdown on Mercury
By: ePregnancy
To protect public health the report recommends that pregnant women not eat any quantity of 13 types of fish, and strictly limit consumption of 10 others, including canned tuna. The report also asks government health authorities to test and track mercury levels in pregnant women -- and to expand education for pregnant women about the hazards of mercury and how they can reduce their exposure.
"The government's recommendations are not grounded in reality. For example, they say the average woman can safely eat the equivalent of 76 cans of tuna during her pregnancy. In the real world, eating more than about one can of tuna a month during pregnancy is risky," said Jane Houlihan, EWG's Research Director.
"Women are faced with an unacceptable trade-off -- fish are a rich source of protein during pregnancy, but mercury pollution has made many types of fish a considerable health risk to their babies," said Jeremiah Baumann, environmental health advocate for the U.S. Public Interest Research Group. "Our government agencies are not only failing to provide adequately protective warnings to expectant mothers, but are failing even to track human exposure to mercury and the developmental and learning problems that it causes."
Mercury is toxic to the developing fetal brain, and exposure in the womb can cause learning deficiencies and can delay mental development in children. A committee of the National Academy of Sciences recommended last year that U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) tighten its safety standards for mercury in fish.
The analysis released today accounts for the real differences among American women and their risks from mercury exposure, rather than relying on a hypothetical average. The information on mercury in people was combined with a one-of-a-kind EWG database on fish that contains 56,000 records of mercury test results in fish from seven different government sources. The EWG/PIRG report also reviews state governments' mercury advisories and finds that while some states are better than others, virtually none provides thorough protection for pregnant women.
Which Fish Is Safe to Eat? |
The FDA advises pregnant women and women considering pregnancy to eat 12 ounces of fish per week and to entirely avoid swordfish, shark, tilefish and king mackerel. However, this advice is based on calculations intended to protect a 150-pound man. Half of American women weigh less than that and a developing fetus is much more sensitive to the health impacts of mercury than a grown man.
What the FDA Says...
The FDA recommendation also does not account for the mercury already present in a woman's body before she becomes pregnant. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recently reported 10% of American women of childbearing age -- some 7 million women -- already have mercury in their blood at levels that the National Academy of Sciences considers potentially unsafe for the developing fetus. The CDC's findings were issued two months after FDA's latest fish standards were announced.
Some groups are urging the EPA to crack down on the main culprit for mercury contamination, coal-burning power plants. Mercury emissions from these plants are currently completely unregulated. There is also no comprehensive program for tracking mercury exposure and related health conditions. Federal decision makers should require power plants to reduce their mercury pollution by 90% and ultimately move away from polluting sources of power altogether. In addition, a nationwide environmental health tracking network would be a critical step in assessing the impact of mercury contamination on human health.
- Pregnant women, nursing mothers and all women of childbearing age, should not eat tuna steaks, sea bass, oysters from the Gulf Coast, marlin, halibut, pike, walleye, white croaker, and largemouth bass. These are in addition to FDA's recommendation to entirely avoid shark, swordfish, king mackerel and tilefish.
- These women should eat no more than one meal per month combined of canned tuna, mahi-mahi, blue mussel, Eastern oyster, cod, pollock, salmon from the Great Lakes, blue crab from the Gulf of Mexico, wild channel catfish and lake whitefish.
- The following fish are safer choices for avoiding mercury exposure: farmed trout or catfish, shrimp, fish sticks, flounder, wild Pacific salmon, croaker, haddock, and blue crab from the mid-Atlantic.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Common general Natural help for IBS:
Peppermint Oil - you have to be careful with this stuff, though - most prefer drinking it in tea.
Peppermint Oil Fact Sheet
Probiotics - a really good acidolphilus. You might want to try several brands - there were a few that did not agree with me - I personally prefer the Garden of Life Probiotic - it seems to work well.
Partially Hydrolized Guar Gum - I don't know anything about this, but it was recommended
A Good Digestive/Enzyme help - a cheap one that worked for me was the generic brand at The Vitamin Shoppe, but others have recommended the Garden of Life brand.
Also, please be aware that artificial sweeteners (aspartame, splenda, saccharin) can trigger diarrhea, gas, and cramps, especially in IBS-prone people.
Eliminating sodas from your diet can greatly help with gas. Drink tea (especially with peppermint oil) instead. Ice-cold beverages on an empty stomach can trigger GI spasms, whereas the heat in hot teas is in and of itself a muscle relaxant.
Artichoke extract appears quite helpful in IBS. The evidence is provided by the results of several studies in patients with various digestive disorders including symptoms associated with IBS. Artichoke extract appears to be most helpful for abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, lack of appetite, and nausea. I would give the enteric-coated peppermint oil a try first, however. The dosage for artichoke extract is 300 to 600 mg three times daily. Cited
Omega-3 Factors - A true pharmaceutical grade fish oil supplement. Take two capsules daily.
Thus far, research suggests that certain nutrients may be beneficial in reducing symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome in certain individuals. These nutrients include turmeric, or curcumin, certain probiotics, and artichoke leaf extract.
Treat Irritable Bowel Syndrome by using ginger - I have suffered from IBS for many years now and find that chewing on crystalized ginger after each meal is very helpful. Ginger is well known to treat a large number of illnesses.
Treat Irritable Bowel Syndrome using coconut - Try and use as much coconut products in your meals and cooking as possible. Use coconut oil to fry or coconut cream in your curries or chew on raw coconut as a tasty healthy snack. The coconut will give you more fibre and help slow down the bowel.
Treat Irritable bowel syndrome using lemon and lime - When you have severe abdominal cramps cuased by irritable bowel syndrome simply squeeze the juice of 1 lemon and 1 lime. Mix them together and drink. Do not add any sweetner!
Treat Irritable bowel syndrome using rice and peppermint - Bring to the boil 2 cups of water and 1 cup of rice. Simmer on low untill the liquid becomes milky. Drain the liquid from the rice and add 10 drops of peppermint to the liquid. Drink a glass as symtoms appear
Slippery Elm is an herb used to assist with diarrhea. It normalizes the stools and soothes, coats and heals the entire digestive tract. Slippery Elm should be taken with lots of water.
Alfalfa or Chlorophyll are colon scrubbing herbs, which can help immensely with constipation problems. These also neutralize gas in the stomach and colon.
Cascara Sagrada is one of the strongest herbal laxatives. It promotes activity in the bowel muscles, so this could cause a bit of cramping, but it's not an irritant or a purgative.
Peppermint is an herb that works wonderfully for gas, bloating and stomach pains caused by indigestion. This herb will cause the gas to pass out of your body.
Garlic will also help expel gas from your system, and it has the added benefit of being able to help your colon rid itself of mucus and parasites which could be causing some of the IBS problems. Additionally garlic is an infection fighting herb, so if there are harmful bacteria in your colon causing the IBS, the garlic can help rid your body of them.
You may choose to buy some grapefruit seed extract from your local healthfood store instead. Grapefruit Seed Extract is available in capsules and in a liquid too. Studies have shown that this natural treatment helps minimize the symptoms that are associated with IBS. It treats diarrhea, constipation, gas, and cramps
What to eat:
“If you eat a lot of cooked protein, hydrogenated oils, concentrated sugars or other foods that are hard to digest, your colon can react—and not nicely,” says Dr. Klaper. He advises that those with IBS avoid meats, dairy products, greasy snack foods, spicy fare and sweets. At the first sign of a flare-up and during the time the colon is inflamed, build your meals around easy-to-digest foods such as rice, sweet potatoes, well-steamed green and yellow vegetables and bananas, he suggests. Then after the bowel inflammation subsides, he says, you can start adding new foods to your daily diet, one at a time every 48 hours. This way, he explains, you can watch for any ill effects of the new foods.
Local Naturapathic Doctors: I just found these on the web, don't know anything about them.
Sharon Rabb, Ph.D., ND, MPH, CNC
Dallas, TX
Phone: 214-353-0385
Email: drsrabb[at]yahoo.com
Website: www.drsharonrabb.com
Areas of Emphasis: Chronic Disease Specialist, Cancer, Heart Problems, Arthritis, Diabetes, Aids, Weight Management, Aging Reversal, Eating disorders, Stress and Pain Management. Certified in Contact Reflex Analysis
Stacy Dunn, MSOM, ND
4230 Avondale Ave, ste 100
Dallas, Texas 75219
Phone: 214.520.8108 Fax: 214.520.9584
Email: stacydunn[at]comcast.net
Areas of Emphasis: Acupuncture, Attention Deficit Disorder, Cardiovascular Disease, Chronic Fatigue, Clinical Nutrition, Diabetes, Family Practice, Homeopathy, Neurological Diseases, Pain Management, Psychiatric Disorders, Women's Health
Websites that recommend Natural remedies to IBS:
Side Effects of Herbs for IBS:
Chat Rooms/Forums for support:
Excerpts from the websites listed above:
Probiotics are particularly effective when your gut is under assault from antibiotics, though they can also be helpful when taken for daily maintenance. Quite a few research studies have shown that probiotics can dramatically improve irritable bowel syndrome. The problem is that other studies have found that many retail brands of probiotics don't actually contain any live cultures at all, and are thus worthless. Though probiotic supplements are widely available at drug and health food stores, it can be difficult to know if the brand you're buying is high quality and really does contain live cultures. Probiotic supplements should be taken with food. Go Here
Calcium and Magnesium play critical and antagonistic roles in regulating muscle function. Together they provide the mechanism for muscle contraction and relaxation.
In terms of GI tract function, calcium has a constipating effect, whereas magnesium acts as a laxative. As a result, calcium supplements can be truly beneficial for people with diarrhea-predominant IBS, and magnesium supplements can work wonders for IBS-constipation. Remember that calcium can block iron absorption in the body and contribute to anemia, so women who take calcium supplements may want to take an iron supplement at a different time of day. Calcium and magnesium should both be taken with food.
To take a calcium/magnesium supplement that will keep your bowel function in balance, it's typically recommended to use a 2:1 ratio of calcium to magnesium, as many people absorb magnesium more easily than calcium. I wouldn't exceed the USRDA for calcium or magnesium, taken either singly or together, without an explicit recommendation from your physician.
Digestive Enzymes can be helpful when taken right before a meal, especially if there is more fat in that meal than is safe for IBS. Enzymes are available at all health food stores and may be of more benefit to older people, as natural digestive enzyme production declines with age.
For gassy foods such as beans, lentils, and many vegetables, there is Beano, a brand-name digestive enzyme. Beano contains the sugar-digesting enzyme that the body needs (and which some people lack) to digest the complex sugar raffinose. If you have trouble digesting raffinose the sugar will ferment in your colon, producing gas and intestinal distress. Beano breaks down raffinose into simple sugars that cause no GI discomfort. Beano is available at health food stores in either tablets or drops, and is simply taken at the beginning of a meal. There are no side effects unless you have a rare sensitivity or allergy, and the product can be used every day. Go Here
it's also important that the following diseases are excluded before you accept a diagnosis of Irritable Bowel Syndrome:
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The problem is, it isn't a single food that causes Irritable Bowel Syndrome symptoms. It's ANY food that is high in fat, insoluble fiber, caffeine, coffee (even decaf), carbonation, or alcohol. Why? Because all of these food categories are either GI stimulants or irritants, and can cause violent reactions of your gastrocolic reflex. This directly affects the muscles in your colon and can lead to pain, constipation AND diarrhea, gas, and bloating.
Some Causes of IBS: They speculate that it may arise as a result of stress or diet, with the symptoms of IBS usually beginning around age 20.1 Some believe that one major cause of Irritable Bowel Syndrome could be heavy metal toxicity, particularly from mercury dental amalgams. Others suggest that IBS may occur from overuse of antibiotics, food allergies, nutritional deficiencies (particularly a lack of magnesium), and/or chronic fungal infection, such as Candida. IBS may also stem from hypercoagulability, or thick blood, a circulatory disorder that lowers the blood flow to the small and large intestines. Cited
Some Ideas for IBS:
- Add healthy saturated fats such as organic extra virgin coconut oil to encourage healthy bowel movements. Read more about good fats and bad fats.
- Add foods rich in omega-3 essential fatty acids such as ground flax meal, wild-caught salmon, minimal-mercury albacore tuna, walnuts, fish oil, and sprouted walnuts.
- Add nutrient-dense and unprocessed foods such as sprouted nuts and seeds to your diet.
- Eat small meals throughout the day, rather than 3 large, heavy meals.
- Increase your daily intake of purified water, especially in between meals.
- Avoid drinking ice-cold water with meals. Ice-cold water slows down your digestion and lowers the amount of stomach acid (HCl), which is greatly needed to digest your food.
- Stay away from over-the-counter laxatives. These contain chemicals and herbs (such as psyllium) that induce bowel movements quickly (and sometimes violently) by irritating your bowel. They can cause cramps and diarrhea and lead to laxative dependence, followed by worse problems with constipation.
- Fiber – Maintain an adequate source of soluble fiber. Soluble fiber helps you maintain regularity by combining with food to form a gel that adds bulk and keeps the muscles of the colon stretched and working. Foods high in soluble fiber include:
- Ground flax meal
- Sprouted nuts and seeds
- Vegetables – avocados, beans, potatoes, squash
- Brown rice
- Oats
- Cited
It's difficult to come up with a diet that would work in most people with irritable bowel syndrome. However, consider making some of the following diet changes: cut back on sugar, cut back on dairy products, especially milk, and consider eliminating certain foods.
People with irritable bowel syndrome have high levels of antibodies that indicate they are allergic to common foods like wheat, beef, pork, and lamb. The idea of food allergy as a cause is supported by studies that systematically eliminated certain dietary components and then reintroduced them to see how symptoms were affected. In one study, researchers compared levels of antibodies to common foods in 108 patients with irritable bowel syndrome and a comparison group of 43 unaffected "control" subjects. As well as the antibody measurements, the researchers also conducted skin prick testing to 16 common foods including milk, eggs, cheese, wheat, rice, potatoes, various meats, and soya beans. Antibody levels to wheat, beef, pork, lamb and soya beans were significantly higher in IBS patients, and tended to be higher for egg yolk and egg white. However, there was no significant correlation between symptom severity and frequency and antibody levels. Nonetheless, the researchers note that elevated levels of food-specific antibodies have been seen in asthma, which suggests there could be a similar process going on in irritable bowel syndrome. SOURCE: American Journal of Gastroenterology, July 2005. Cited
Natural Home Remedies for Irritable Bowel Syndrome
![]() ©2007 Publications International, Ltd. Eating pears may help to relieve IBS symptoms. |
Fertility/Infertility Herbs and Vitamins - Article
by Jill E. Stansbury, N.D.
In one of life's ironies, every night, millions of men and women use
condoms, diaphragms and other contraceptives to avoid pregnancy.
Meanwhile, an estimated 10 percent of all couples who want a child
can't conceive. To them it feels tragic. Sadness and self-incriminations
can lead to discord in their marriages. Fortunately, simple nutritional
and botanical remedies can often restore fertility.
Infertility is defined as a lack of conception after one year of
unprotected intercourse. Hormonal imbalances, nutritional deficiencies,
anatomic problems and various diseases are often to blame. Because it
takes two to make a baby, the reason for conception difficulties may
lie with the man, the woman or both.
The key to male fertility is large quantities of healthy sperm. A
medical evaluation relies primarily on a sperm analysis, whereby fresh
semen is examined for the quantity, form and motility of sperm. Sometimes
anatomical problems such as enlarged scrotal veins (varicocele) or
fluid accumulation in the scrotum (hydrocele) can impair sperm formation.
Correcting circulation to the testes with exercise, alternating hot and
cold sitzbaths or surgery may restore fertility.
Glandular diseases such as thyroid abnormalities and diabetes mellitus
can interfere with hormonal control of sperm production, while infections
of the prostate and epididymis (a tubular structure on top of each testis
into which secretions drain) can interfere with sperm production or block
the exit of sperm from the body. Treating both can resolve infertility.
Other infections, such as mumps orchitis (an inflammation of the testicles
following the mumps), can result in permanent infertility. Chromosomal
abnormalities associated with infertility are likewise not correctable.
Sometimes sperm can't do their job because the woman's immune system
creates antibodies to them.1 Examining the fluid in a woman's vagina
after intercourse can determine if immune rejection is causing the
When examinations fail to find an illness or anatomical defect to
explain an abnormal sperm count, nutritional and environmental factors
may be to blame. For example, exposing the testes to excessive heat
from jacuzzis, saunas or tight clothing can interfere with optimal
sperm production. General malnutrition, as well as specific nutrient
deficiencies, can also result in weak sperm.
To keep their groins cool, men should wear loose clothing and avoid
heat exposure, such as long soaks in hot tubs. To maintain optimal
nutrition, I recommend a diet that is rich in organic vegetables,
fresh fruits and whole grains, and low in animal products. Evidence
indicates that residues of the estrogens fed to cattle and poultry
can interfere with human hormones. Furthermore, pesticides, plastics
and other environmental pollutants can bind to estrogen receptors in
the body and depress both male and female fertility.2
I also recommend that men take a good multivitamin and make sure
they get sufficient amounts of nutrients specific for male reproductive
health, such as zinc, vitamin E and the amino acids arginine and taurine.
* Zinc:
Semen contains high concentrations of zinc. Supplementing the
diet with 30-60 mg zinc a day may improve sperm count and sexual
function.3,4 A good dietary source of zinc is pumpkin seeds, long
recommended as a fertility-enhancing food and a remedy for benign
prostate enlargement.5 Pumpkin seeds also are rich in two other
nutrients beneficial to male sexual functioning: the plant steroid
beta-sitosterol (which binds to the testosterone receptor) and
vitamin E.
* Vitamin E:
Formerly labeled the anti-sterility vitamin, vitamin E is
crucial to proper reproductive function in both men and women. In
fact, the chemical name for vitamin E, "tocopherol," originated from
the Greek words tokos, which means "offspring," and phero, which means
"to bear." One of the body's main antioxidant nutrients, vitamin E
protects hormones from oxidation. As vitamin E becomes less available
in processed foods and exposure to harmful oxidizing agents increases,
supplementation with 400-800 IU a day may improve fertility for some
* Amino acids:
Arginine has been shown to raise sperm counts and sperm motility.
The recommended dosage is 2-4 g a day.7,8 Taurine, another amino acid
that may enhance sperm production and motility, is supplemented at 2-4 g
a day.9
After a man adopts a healthy diet supplemented with the above nutrients,
he should have his sperm count rechecked in three to six months.
Sources Of Female Infertility
As with men, hormonal abnormalities can lead to infertility in women
and should be ruled out with blood tests. Uterine fibroids (benign
tumors of fibrous tissue), endometriosis (abnormal location of uterine
tissue in the pelvic cavity), ovarian cysts and infections of reproductive
organs can all impair fertility and are easily detected by a physician.
Lack of ovulation can also be a cause of infertiltiy. Lab tests can
document ovulation, but a woman can also determine ovulation by noting,
throughout the month, variations in her body temperature and vaginal
mucous. A woman's morning temperature usually increases half a degree
around the time of ovulation and remains high until the menstrual
period begins. Many medications and factors, such as excessive use
of alcohol, electric blankets and restless sleep, can disturb this
variation in body temperature. Prior to and after ovulation, when a
woman isn't fertile, cervical mucous tends to be thick and sticky.
At ovulation, the mucous becomes thinner, more watery and abundant.
Conditions that cause irregular menses or cycles without ovulation
can also lead to infertility. These may stem from ovarian and uterine
abnormalities. Women who are anemic may stop menstruating as their
bodies attempt to avoid the loss of blood. Treating anemia and its
underlying cause may restore fertility. Women who exercise vigorously
or who have extremely low body fat may be below a critical body weight
to sustain menstruation and pregnancy. Backing off the heavy exercise
and gaining a few pounds is sometimes all that's required to become
As with men, the objective is to diagnose and treat any illness or
imbalance that might secondarily cause infertility. In the absence of
an underlying cause, hormonal therapies can sometimes help correct
ovulation problems or irregular menses. Both pharmaceutical and botanical
treatments may restore the hormonal rhythms that control ovulation.
Clomiphene citrate is a commonly prescribed fertility drug. It stimulates
the brain to release luteinizing hormone, which causes egg maturation and
release from the ovary. The drug is taken for just a few days and then
stopped. A brief fertile period may follow. A drawback is that more than
one egg may be released, resulting in a multiple pregnancy. In addition,
nearly half of all pregnancies achieved in this way result in spontaneous
abortion.10 Perhaps the miscarriage rate is so high because such
medications only force ovulation without correcting underlying deficiencies
or hormonal abnormalities. Botanical medicines on the other hand, nourish
and support the female reproductive system to restore hormonal balance.
Herbs That Can Restore Fertility
Here are a few herbs, listed in order of importance, that are often
recommended by naturopathic doctors and herbalists to help restore female
* Chaste tree berry
(Vitex agnus-castus): This herb stimulates the release of luteinizing
hormone (LH) from the pituitary gland in the brain. This, in turn, promotes
ovulation. Chaste tree berry may restore normal periods in women with
amenorrhea (lack of menstrual periods).11
* Dong quai
(Angelica sinensis): Widely used for female complaints, including
menstrual irregularities and infertility, dong quai can tone a weak
uterus by promoting metabolism within the organ,12 regulating hormonal
control and improving the rhythm of the menstrual cycle.13
* Red clover blossoms
(Trifolium pratense): These beautiful little flowers are categorized
in many herbals as fertility promoters. Chemical analysis shows that the
herb is rich in coumestans and isoflavones, estrogenlike compounds that
may promote fertility, particularly in women who are deficient in
* Licorice
(Glycyrrhiza glabra): This plant contains hormonally active
compounds categorized as saponins.15 A Japanese study found
licorice-based medicines improved menstruation in women with infrequent
periods. The study also found that licorice helped women with elevated
testosterone and low estrogen levels, as commonly occurs in polycystic
ovary disease.16
* Siberian ginseng
(Eleutherococcus senticosus): This and other tonic botanicals
can improve fertility by enhancing overall health and vitality. Siberian
ginseng also acts on the brain to promote regulation of reproductive
Maintaining Pregnancy
Sometimes a woman's fertility problem lies not in conceiving, but in
maintaining pregnancy. For habitual spontaneous abortion, several
hormonal, nutritional and herbal therapies may help continue the
pregnancy. In addition, numerous botanical medicines can improve both
uterine tone and hormonal regulation. Here are a few:
* Black cohosh
(Cimicifuga racemosa): Like chaste tree berry, black cohosh
enhances pituitary secretion of luteinizing hormone with subsequent
ovarian stimulation.18,19 It contains isoflavone constituents, which
can bind to estrogen receptors in the body.20
* Blue cohosh
(Caulophyllum thalictroides): Sounding the same but of an
entirely different genus than black cohosh, blue cohosh is a uterine
tonic, meaning it can relax a hypersensitive uterus as well as increase
the muscular tone of a weak uterus. Early American herbals list blue
cohosh as a uterine botanical helpful in cases of infertility.21
* Motherwort
(Leonurus cardiaca): This feminine-sounding herb affects the
nervous, cardiac and female reproductive systems. It is indicated
for anxiety, tension and heart palpitations caused by heart weakness,
nervous disorders, menopause, premenstrual syndrome and other hormonal
imbalances. Motherwort is also a uterine tonic, useful for cramps and
as well as uterine weakness.22
* Wild yam
(Dioscorea villosa): Very popular in recent years, wild yam
contains plant hormones including the steroidal saponins diosgenin,
pregnenolone and botogenin.23 For several decades, the pharmaceutical
industry has used wild yam as a raw material in the synthesis of
pharmaceutical steroids such as progesterone, cortisone and prednisone.
In its crude form, wild yam has a weak hormonal activity in the body
that may help prevent habitual miscarriage due to hormonal insufficiency.
* Squaw vine
(Mitchella repens): Used by Native Americans as a fertility and
pregnancy tonic, squaw vine is a uterine tonic that increases uterine
circulation and reduces uterine congestion. It also improves uterine
tone, yet relaxes uterine spasm.24
* Crampbark
(Viburnum opulus) and black haw (V. Prunifolium): Both these herbs
are considered uterine sedatives and tonic plants that are helpful for
chronic miscarriage and uterine pain and cramps. Both are also used as
preparatory herbs to condition the uterus for pregnancy and childbirth.25
* Unicorn root
(Chamalerium luteum), also called blazing star: A uterine tonic,
unicorn root is especially useful for women who have a tendency toward
pelvic congestion, a condition typically experienced as a sensation of
heaviness. This herb may help prevent miscarriage and menstrual bleeding
due to uterine weakness.26
Some midwives and obstetricians recommend that women at risk for
spontaneous abortion use herbs such as those listed above for several
months prior to conception to improve uterine tone and hormonal
regulation. They should lower the dosage during the first trimester.
A formula used by early American physicians combined in equal parts
blue cohosh, crampbark, unicorn root and squaw vine. The recommended
dosage was 2-4 mL three times daily. Such herbs were also used during
the last trimester of pregnancy to facilitate an easy delivery and
rapid recovery, particularly in women with difficult or prolonged labors.
After a medical workup has ruled out serious diseases as the cause
of infertility, natural medicines can offer a great deal. Just paying
closer attention to the body's cycles can enhance a woman's fertility
awareness. For men and women, a nutritious diet supplemented with a
multivitamin and free of hormones and pesticides goes a long way toward
improving both reproductive and overall health. Botanical medicines
selected by a knowledgeable practitioner can further enhance hormonal
rhythms and general vitality. Just add romance and you have the
prescription for fertility.
1. Hargreave, T.B. "Incidence of serum agglutinating and immobilizing
sperm antibodies in infertile couples." Int J Fertil: 27-90, 1982.
2. Foye, W. Principles of Medicinal Chemistry, 3rd edition: 463.
Philadelphia, PA: Lea and Febiger, 1989.
3. Skandhan, K.P., et al. "Serum electrolytes in normal and infertile
subjects. II. Zinc." Experentia, 34(11); 1476-77, 1978.
4. Netter, A., et al. "Effect of zinc administration on plasma
testosterone, dehydrotesterone, and sperm count." Arch Androl, 7: 69,
5. Weiss, R.F. Herbal Medication: 117, 121, 254. Beaconsfield, England:
Arcanum Press, 1988.
6. Haas, E. Staying Healthy with Nutrition: 101-2. Berkeley, CA:
Celestial Arts Publications, 1992.
7. Papp, G. et al. "The role of basic amino acids of seminal plasma
in fertility." Int Urol Nephrol, 15(2): 195-203, 1983.
8. Schachter, A., et al. "Treatment of oligospermia with the amino
acid arginine. " J Urology, 110 (3): 311-13, 1973.
9. Haas, E. op. cit., p. 47.
10. Krupp, C. Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment: 467-69.
Los Altos, CA, Lange Medical Publications, 1984.
11. Weiss, R.F., op. cit., p. 317.
12. Zhu, D. "Dong Quai," Am J Chinese Med, XV (3-4): 117-125, 1986.
13. Zhiping, H., et al. "Treating amenorrhea in vital energy-deficient
patients with Angelica sinensis." J Trad Chin Med, 6 (3): 187-190, 1986.
14. Duke, J. A. Handbook of Medicinal Herbs: 489. Boca Raton, FL:
CRC Press, 1985.
15. Leung, A. Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients Used in Food,
Drugs, and Cosmetics: 290-91. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1980.
16. Yaginuma, T., et al. "Effect of traditional herbal medicine on
serum testosterone levels and induction of regular ovulation in
hyper-androgenic and oligomenorrheic women." Nippon Sank Fujinka
Gakkai Zasshi, 34(7):939-944, 1982.
17. Darymov, L.V. "On the gonadotrophic effect of Eleutherococcus
glycosides." Lek. Srd. Dalinego Vostoka,11:60-65, 1972.
18. Jarry, H., et al. "Studies on the endocrine effects of the contents
of Cimicifuga racemosa, 1: in vitro binding of compounds to estrogen
receptors." Planta Med., 1:46-9, 1985
19. Jarry, H., et al. "Studies on the endocrine effects of the contents
of Cimicifuga racemosa, 2: influence on the servum concentration of
pituitary hormone in ovarectomized rats." Planta Medica, 1:46-9, 1985.
20. Duker, E.M., et al. "Effects of extracts from Cimicifuga racemosa
on gonadotrophic release in menopausal women and ovarectomized rats."
Planta Medica, 57(5): 420-4, 1991.
21. Ellingwood, F. American Materia Medica, Therapeutics, and Pharmacognosy,
11th edition: 593. Cincinnati, Ohio: Lloyd Brothers Publishing, 1919.
22. Felter, H.W. Eclectic Materia Medica, Pharmacognosy, and Therapeutics:
443. Cincinnati, OH: Lloyd Bros Publishing, 1922.
23. Mowrey, D. The Scientific Validation of Herbal Medicine:
107-115 & 151-156. New Canaan, CT: Keats, 1986.
24. Felter, H.W., op. cit., p. 480.
25. Felter, H.W., op. cit., p. 694.
26. Felter, H.W., op. cit., p. 404.
Jill Stansbury, N.D., maintains a private practice in rural southwestern
Washington state where she specializes in botanical and natural therapies.
She heads the botanical medicine department at the National College of
Naturopathic Medicine in Portland and recently published a brief materia
medica, Herbs for Health and Healing.
a 1000 visitors in a month
I've had a 1000 visitors to my site in just about a month.
Now that's exciting!
I hope my posts are beneficial to everyone!
Thanks for visiting!
Hope you keep coming back!
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Site of the Day
October 18th - Fast ways of doing things - http://www.waitless.org/ Fun to watch!
October 19th - A political chart to figure out the election - http://www.2decide.com/table.htm
October 20th - For those who are grieving - www.griefshare.org
October 21st - Creationism and more - www.answersingenesis.org
October 22nd - Is stenciling on walls a nightmare proposition?No Fears www.quotethewalls.com
October 23rd - Scholastic Book warehouse sale -No sale yet, but keep checking -worth it!
October 24th - Great Comparison Shopping site - www.shogging.com
October 25th - How to Keep Produce Fresh - http://memarielane.blogspot.com/2007/10/how-to-keep-your-produce-fresh.html
October 26th - Daily parenting tips - www.parenthacks.com
November 15th - Zip Code Demographics: http://zipskinny.com/
How to decaffeinate tea
- Pour boiling water (less than boiling water for green/white teas) over the tea leaves or tea bag and swish it around for 20-30 seconds. This gives it a good rinse through.
- Discard the water (this contains around 80% of the caffeine)
- Pour fresh boiling water (less than boiling water for green/white teas) over the rinsed tea leaves (and brew for the recommended length of time (depending on the type of tea)
- Caffeine is highly water soluble, and nearly 80% is extracted from the leaves in the first 20-30 seconds of steeping.
I have a new title!
Please use the comment section and help me out! There will be a nifty prize for the creator of the one I pick.
I also desperately need help with my website design, if you are any good at that. I don't have any money, but have lots of things to trade!
Update: Ok, so I was in my car listening to music when the title came to me "On this Journey of Learning." I've decided that it is a pretty "cool" title. Also, the phrase "keep moving forward" has been reverberating with me ever since I watched the movie "Meet the Robinsons" a few weeks ago (great movie, by the way - makes me want to go out and adopt an orphan). "Keep moving forward" is very similar in sentiment to part of a poem I wrote when I was 20 years of age, "Keep on Keeping on, Believing on......." which is sorta like my motto for life.......
Thus and therefore, my new title is "On this Journey of Learning" and my new tagline/catchphrase/motto is "Keep on Keeping on.....believing on......"
Above Rubies Articles
I thought I'd show the free articles on-line from this great magazine. Please consider subscribing to their FREE magazine, Newsletter, or Email Devotionals by visiting their site - www.aboverubies.org. They are a donation-only organization.
Here is the link to all 183 of Nancy's Devotionals:
Here are the on-line articles: